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Let Me Introduce: Careers in Transition LLC

I have been a professional Career Counselor for over three decades including positions at Skidmore, Siena and Union Colleges, Harvard, St. Lawrence and Boston Universities.  In 1995, I founded Careers In Transition LLC, a private practice in career services so that people don't have to make job and career changes alone.

During my five to seven week Career Transition Program, my role is to guide you through the three sequential stages of the Career Development Process:  1) Self-Assessment - Who am I?, 2) Career Exploration - Where am I going?, 3) Action Plan - How do I get there.   The goal is to help you explore and get clarity on your options, and then provide direction and guidance with a plan for your future.

At the first appointment, Self-Assessment, I ask a series of questions to get to know you and your background.  At the end of the session, I give you a series of assessment inventories and a Career Development Questionnaire.  The goal is to help you identify your V.I.P.S. (Values, Interests, Personality Traits and Skills). 

At the second appointment, Career Exploration, I interpret the results of the assessments.  Next, we narrow down your list of options into three types of jobs: 1) Ideal/Dream Job, 2) Back Up/Realistic Job, and 3) Safety/Survival Job.

At the third appointment, the Action Plan, we review the Career Development Questionnaire, talk about the Career Decision-Making exercises, and I share with you what jobs you are best for you.  I also help you with your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn and interview skills.

I am your coach, and I want you to win.  Career counseling involves an active collaboration between the client and the professional.  Working with a Career Counselor often leads to a better sense of career direction and motivation to achieve career and personal goals.

If you or someone you know has ever said, "I don't know what I want, but I know it is not this.", I hope you please have them contact me at If you or anyone you know needs direction and guidance and wants to explore various career options, I can help. I invite you to call me for a free initial 20-minute phone consultation (518-366-8451).

Dr. Tom Denham

Career Counselor and Motivational Speaker

Careers In Transition LLC


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